Pastoral Council
“Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Christian Community of St. Mary dedicate ourselves to living the Good News of Jesus Christ, primarily through worship, education, love and service to all.”
Our parish pastoral council is composed of seven members, besides the pastor, six of whom are nominated by parishioners and then chosen by lot, as well as one member who is appointed by the pastor. Terms of pastoral council members are typically three years. The purpose of the pastoral council is to serve as a resource to the pastor and the parish. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their pastoral needs to the members of the pastoral council, who in turn bring them to the pastor. This helps the pastor to better know and understand the pastoral needs of the parish and, in collaboration with the pastoral council, to determine how to help meet them.
Meeting Dates
Council Members

Paul Blaicher

Jim Huyge

Jim Murphy

Ron Lovelace

Jenna Heinert

Andy Goodrick