Bible Studies
Tuesday Morning
We meet in the ABC rooms after morning Mass. There is social time until class starts with food. Class is from 10-11:15 am and the fall session will commence on September 12. This year we will cover various topics including St. John Paul II’s Theology of The Body and 2 consecutive studies on the biblical roots of Christianity. You can register for sessions by clicking the images below.
Sunday Evening
We meet on Sunday evenings from 6:30 till 8 beginning September 15th in the ABC room.
Sunday Evening Group

Jesus is our savior, our redeemer, our Lord, and our God. Our belief in Jesus is what makes us who we are as Catholics, as Christians, but do we really know him as we should? Who is Jesus for you? Is he a part of your life, or is he at the center of your life as he should be? We invite you to make him the center of your life by joining us for Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life. This 10-week video study program is anchored in the life of Christ as presented in the Gospels. We’ll explore the entirety of Jesus’ life—who he is, what he is really like, what he taught, what he did for our salvation, and what all of this means for us as Catholics today.
The study is presented by Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Jeff Cavins, and Edward Sri and was filmed in the Holy Land so you can experience the extraordinary world in which Jesus lived and taught—the historical context, the politics, the clashing cultures, the history, and the ancient land—and see where the most significant events of his life took place, from his infancy to his ascension.
We will learn how Jesus is God Incarnate, fully divine and fully human. We’ll experience his intimacy with the Father, his revelation of the Father’s love, and his gift of the Holy Spirit to each of us. Most importantly, our encounter with Christ will empower us to know and love him in a new and life-changing way.
Participants will meet every week to view an engaging video presentation, followed by a time of group discussion and fellowship. We will begin the Jesus study on February 9th at 6:30pm. Optional workbooks are available for $30. Please indicate yes or no below so we can order the correct number of workbooks for those who want them.
Tuesday Morning Group
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our adult Faith Formation, Contact Dave Heinert at 616-842-1702 ext 106 or email him at