Bible Studies
Jim Penrice – Books
Women’s Programming
Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come, and you will see.”
John 1:38-39
St. Mary’s Parish offers a variety of opportunities for adults to respond to Jesus’ invitation to come and see. This page is a source of information to explore and discover more about these opportunities. Welcome!

Uncover the Biblical Foundations of Catholicism
Have you ever been unable to explain the “why” of Catholic beliefs? Have you ever wondered why the Old Testament sounds so different from the New Testament? In the Old Testament, God began building a plan and laying a foundation for the beautiful traditions of the Catholic Faith. That plan was fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament. Fulfilled: Uncovering the Biblical Foundations of Catholicism is an apologetic approach to sharing the Catholic Faith using the Old Testament Tabernacle as a blueprint for God’s plan. Fulfilled will reignite your love of Scripture and help you share and defend the Catholic Faith with the Word of God.
Part One – Called into His Presence focuses on elements of the outer sanctuary of the Tabernacle and how they connect to the liturgical calendar, the priesthood, purgatory, baptism, and more.

Bible Study
Tuesday Mornings: We meet in the ABC rooms after morning Mass. There is social time until class starts with food. Class is from 10-11:15 am and the fall session will commence on September 12.
Walking With Purpose. A Ladies Bible study. On Mondays in the fall and spring women of all ages are invited to come together for the Walking with Purpose! To learn more, please follow the link:
Men’s Ministry:
That Man is You (TMIY)
The men in the parish are invited to TMIY. We meet in the ABC rooms for breakfast on Friday mornings in the fall and spring. You can drop in anytime between 6-7:30 am. The first 30 mins is group small talk, then there’s a 30 min video. Finally, we discuss the video. To learn more about That Man is You please follow the link:
Men are also invited to join the flocknote, a text, that goes out every weekday and Saturday morning. The flocknote arrives between 7-8 on weekdays and 8-9 on Saturday. There are limited characters and only the parish sees a response. So, you won’t be getting into any all-day text conversations. We slowly go through different books of the Bible 2-5 verses at a time. Occasionally an evening or Sunday flocknote will go out with something that’s happening in the parish or if Father is in need of some men to do some things.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our adult Faith Formation, Contact Dave Heinert at 616-842-1702 ext 106 or email him at