Jim Penrice – Books

James “Jim” Penrice
May 14, 1961 – September 17, 2017
We were blessed to have Jim Penrice associated with our Church. Jim was an accomplished author. Below is a list of books he’s written which are currently available from Amazon.com.
Jim was a humble man and he will be missed.

Mowgli’s Missionary Paperback – March 17, 2017
Mowgli was raised by wolves in an Indian jungle; Brother Jude was raised by Catholic Brothers in an American orphanage. One needs to bring the message of God’s love to the other–but which one? The amateur missionary yearns to save the feral child from the jungle’s savagery, while a family of Dalits–the despised at the bottom of the caste system–seeks refuge in the jungle from the savagery of man. When Shere Kahn’s brother Shere Chor seeks revenge for his murder they all must face the ultimate meaning of life and death.

Crossing Home: The Spiritual Lessons of Baseball Paperback – July 23, 1993
A treasure-trove of Christian symbolism and allegory drawn from the great American pastime.

You Know More Than You Think: Your Intuitive Knowledge of God in the Catholic Tradition – Apr 11, 2003
God made each of us with an intuitive knowledge of him which can be accessed through ordinary means. God and an understanding of him can be found in ordinary experience–attendance at Mass, conversations with friends and relatives, radio and TV, books and magazines, the example of others, etc. This book also discusses the sacraments (both in general and individually), the Mass, prayer, the Bible, morality, social justice, stewardship, Mary and the saints, signs and miracles, and death and the afterlife. The many examples in this book are intended to lead its readers to strengthen their own intuitive knowledge of God and come to find him in unexpected ways.

Living the Eucharist Through Sports: A Guide for Catholic Athletes, Coaches, and Fans – Apr 27, 2009
This is my body, which will be given up for you. With these words Jesus proclaims his ultimate mission, and changes bread and wine into his body and blood to be our food and drink for eternal life. Those words central to our identity as Catholics also express the mission of everyone who plays a sport. Athletes sacrifice their body and all that dwells within mind, spirit and will for the good of someone and something beyond themselves. As people of the Eucharist, Catholic athletes make this sacrifice not only in imitation of Christ, but truly in him and through him as branches of his Eucharistic vine. Sports are thus a profound way to live the Eucharist. This book will help athletes reflect on their sport as a vocation that draws them into a deeper sense of discipleship. The Mass, Eucharistic adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, prayer, the Rosary, the liturgy year, humility, suffering, and what it means to be a member of the Body of Christ are among the topics covered, all from an athletic perspective. Each chapter concludes with questions for individual reflection or group discussion, as a resource for personal and communal growth. Finally, the presentation of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati as the perfect model and mentor for athletes provides a fitting conclusion to a very practical look at the relationship between sports and the living of ones faith.

Conscience: An Owner’s Manual – May 11, 2006
Just as any appliance will work properly only when it is used and maintained according to the manufacturer’s intent, so it is with our conscience. The little voice inside that tells us what is right and wrong needs to be properly understood if we are to follow it with impunity. We all have many voices within us urging us to do various things. How do we discern between them? The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that a human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience. Yet, we know from experience that either out of ignorance or passion, we can make erroneous judgments for which we must pay the consequences. This manual is designed to help the reader avoid such pitfalls.

When Spirituality Isn’t Enough: Understanding Our Physical Need for God in the Sacraments –Jun 11, 2010
Author examines the human need we have for the physical sacraments to convey spiritual grace.

Goal to Go: The Spiritual Lessons of Football –Jul 25, 1994
A discussion of the Christian faith which draws on the imagery and metaphors of football.

A New Dad’s Guide to Playing God: Reflections on the Vocation of Fatherhood – Jul 8, 2004
Each one of us is created in the image and likeness of God. As such, we are all called to “play God”: to stand up for what is right, to actively pursue peace and justice. When it comes to being an earthly father, this mandate to “play God” takes on same very profound implications. When God calls a man to be a father, he charges him with the mission to be the one from whom his children will primarily experience the love of their heavenly Father. Being a father means being the arms, eyes, heart and voice of God to one’s children. These pages were written to help young fathers discover their true identity and to do what it takes to nourish it.

If There is a God, Why Do I Need Braces?: An Adolescent Journey to Adult Faith – Oct 1, 1995
Faith guidelines in an easy-to-follow format.