Women’s Programming
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study meets on Mondays to discuss various books of the Bible in the spring and fall. Adult women of all ages are welcome.
Groups meet in the All Saints Room. Mondays | 9:30am -11:15am or 7pm – 8:30pm
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our adult faith formation, contact Dave Heinert at 616-842-1702 ext 106 or email him at dheinert@stmarysl.org.

Join us as we uncover the Biblical foundations of Catholicism through this new session.
Fulfilled is about our Catholic Church and beliefs. We cover the Old Testament and how and why we have respect for our altar and the traditions we follow. This study will be a video for the class with discussion and questions afterwards.
Millions of Monicas – currently paused
On every second and fourth Tuesday of the Month from 6:30-7:30 pm join the Millions of Monicas. Join in prayer with other mothers whose children have strayed away from the Catholic Faith. To learn more, please follow the link: https://millionsofmonicas.com/
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our adult Faith Formation, Contact Dave Heinert at 616-842-1702 ext 106 or email him at dheinert@stmarysl.org